Monday, July 19, 2010

a MONTH old already!

here are just a few pictures from our afternoon outside on baby Lilley's one month birthday...

I can't believe our little one is already a month old! So much about her has already changed, and is continuing to change each day. It's amazing the difference in a baby a few days old and a baby at 4 weeks. She's got a few new tricks she's learned and is learning yet...

* FIRST AND FOREMOST: SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!! (since the beginning) occasionally waking for one early morning snack about 5:30.

* rolls over to either side in her sleep.

* mastered the art of nursing within the first few days of life.

* follows mom and dad with her eyes when they are walking around near her.

* LOVES LOVES LOVES to be held and snuggled.

* adores her swing... DESPISES CAR SEAT AND BOUNCER.

* starting to do push ups during tummy time and hold her weight. (not for very long though).

* she doesn't like to be alone... it's strange, since her first day of life she would cry if you walked out of her range of smell... she can sense when shes alone or something and cries until she hears you even when shes asleep... as soon as she hears a voice or sees you when awake, she's fine.



She looks alot like you!

Andrea said...

My baby is so darn cute!!!!