Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dear Hormones...


GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, i guess technically not the hormones, just being moody! I never got moody at all with Lilley, you can ask my husband. He will happily tell you I was an extremely pleasent pregnant lady with Lilley. This time around, not so much. I am grumpy, short tempered, irritable with everyone and everything, and honestly, I just can't help it. Trust me, I've tried. And the worst part is, I know it must be bad, if I'm aware of it.
So dear friends, don't judge me, i'll try not to get too irritated, but if I do, know that it's a momentary thing and I'm sorry. Im truly, sincerely, trying to keep my moods under control. :)

1 comment:

Holli said...

Isn't it crazy how different pregnancies can be? Do you know what you're having yet or are you guys going for the surprise? Well I love you even if you are miss moody pants these days :)