Monday, November 10, 2008

Not so "Temporarily Disconnected"

Here I sit on front of my computer, for the time being, my only form of communication, not so Temporarily Disconnected. Living at home is great when you are under the age of 18, or have not previously lived on your own for several months or years. The last thing I ever thought I would be doing at the age of 22 was living under my mothers roof succombing to her rules. Now you must know, I love my mom, she is a great mom, but at times she lives in another dimension, one far from this one.
She has decided no Tv for the time being. That is actually fine with me, I'm really not a big television watcher any way, I'd rather read books, or be outside, anything but home in front of the tv. Ironically, today, the only thing I'd like to be doing is sitting on my butt in front of the tv lost in tvland.
Sadly, that is not my luck of the draw. Instead, I find myself home alone, with only the dogs as my companions.. dinner made, staring at the wall wondering when someone, my mom or Frank, might be home to partake of this wonderful meal I have prepared. "Why, you might ask, don't I just pick up the phone and call them" well, if we had a home phone, or better even then that, if my cell phone, that I pay for each month was working, I could do just that!
But that is not the reality I face. Instead, I, the nice guy, the one wanting to the Christlike like thing and help family out in time of need have been given the "ROYAL SHAFT" from my own flesh and blood. When I say Royal, I mean ROYALLY SCREWED!!!! (please accept my apologies for the language but understand that is necessary, very necessary, for the predicament I am currently in).
So each month I make a phone call to my brother. Me: " You need to pay your bill or they are going to shut the phones off." My Brother: "Yeah Yeah whatever, I'll take care of it" shortly after that phone call, the phone provider: "You MUST make a payment by midnight tonight or youre phone will be temporarily disconnected"...
Me: "ok." (discouragement in my voice) next phone call: ring ring ring ring "I'm sorry youre phone has been temporarily disconnected" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Noises of frustration.
A day or so passes and the phones magically turn back on!
Today, there will be no magical turning on of phones... Instead, there is a rather large decision to be made on my behalf. Do I use my hard earned money, the money which has been set aside to pay for my wedding to pay the several, and I mean several hundred dollars in fees thanks to my brother and his wife, or do I hope and pray they will pay their part before the debt is turned over to a collection agency which then will reflect in a VERY negative way on my credit?
Either way I look at it, I'm the loser. I lose out on reserving the location I have looked long and hard for to have my special day, or do I basically give the phone company free access to turn my account over and mess up my credit? What would you do? Any thoughts would be much appreciated because at the moment, I am facing the harsh reality that I am not so Temporarily Disconnected, and left in an EXTREMELY LARGE PREDICAMENT!
Why is it "Nice guys always finish last" :(


Anonymous said...

I love you Brina. I would say go eat a lot of chocolate, that always makes me feel better. But I know you don't like chocolate. Maybe I'll treat you to something extra tomorrow!!

Ashley and Paul Giddings said...

You are too cute. So thanks for your last comment on my blog. Frankie should come sell! I bet he'd do well. But you guys should come with us...not sure where we're going yet but wherever it is, it will be fun. And of course we would love to hang out and for Paul to meet Frankie so give us a call when you get up here!

schester said...

Nice guys always finish last. Sometimes you don't get anywhere in the world by being the nice guy. I don't know what control you have, or if this even matters anymore, but get your name off their phones based on previous history and get your own plan or terminate them on your plan. You should be able to put their phones on hold until they move to a new plan to avoid any early termination fees.