Monday, November 24, 2008

Lazy Days...

So I must apologize in advance for the negativity of this post. Today I am not posting to let you all in on the happy things going on, I'm actually just writing to write, to vent, to blow off steam, however you would like to define the following words...
Today is the second day of my week off of work (it actually started Friday). Most people would probably be more then beside themselves for a week off from work. I on the other hand am not. I am rather annoyed to be quite honest, I don't know what to do with myself. This was supposed to be my week to do my Christmas shopping and enjoy my time off by getting pampered. Instead, I'm sitting home, alone might I add, trying to come up with ways to entertain my self. The reason being, a VERY LARGE bill came in at the end of last week thanks to my lovely brother and his lack of ability to pay his own darn bills. Yes, once again, as previously stated when I was bothered about the cell phone thing, nice guys finish last! :( arrrrrr!
So I've already done the cleaning I had planned to do for the week (i.e. cleaning house, sorting, doing, and organizing laundry, cleaning the car, washing the dogs, etc...) now I've resorted to laying in bed at 5:00 in the evening playing around on the computer. Such is the life of a woman with no money and no work for a week! Don't you all wish you were as lucky as me?! :)
I promise with all my heart, my next several posts will be more uplifting. I have to make up for the two "downer"ones in a two week period!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok thats it. Next time you'll have to go with us on vacation. Or better yet, you go with my family on vacation and i'll stay home with nothing to do. It sounds fabulous to me!! Love YOu!!